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TOEFL Practice_231019

LC intraspecies: 종간의 gist: 요지 oxidize 산화하다 1 B (X, C) A new field vs the topic of ~ 토플은 선택지 coverage의 지엽, 광대를 따지기 보다는 해당 내용이 실제로 맞는지를 좀 더 확인 필요! 2 D (V) 3 A/D (V) 4 B (V) 5 C (V) walkways allegorical 우화적인 allegory = a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. herbs (얼브스): 약초 peristyle = a row of columns surrounding a space wit..

카테고리 없음 2023.10.19

TOEFL Practice_231013

VOCA GRE VOCA C6 austere (어스티얼) = rigorous severe stern strict stringent ascetic stoic Spartan her austere bedroom baffle = bewilder confound confuse nonplus obfuscate perplex puzzle The puzzle baffles me completely bland = gentle mild temperate boring dull insipid jejune tedious vapid 부드러운, 단조로운, 재미없는 blend 섞다 blandish (달콤한 말로) 아첨하다, blandishment: 알랑거림, 아첨 braggart = boaster loudmouth show-off ..

카테고리 없음 2023.10.13

TOEFL Practice_231011

RC Answer 1 B (V) 2 C (V) 3 D (X) (X, A) grater mass 더 큰 질량 -> 더 큰 4 D (V) 5 A (X, B) liquid form (when) closer to the planet's center, composed entirely of gaseous and liquid materials =? very little solid matter 6 A (V) 7 B (X, D) whereby = by which, through which 8 C (V) 9 D (V) 10 B/D/G, C/E (X, 신유형 / 시간 부족) 11 C (X, A) only exchanged crops for other local supplies. (거꾸로 추론, 국내 교환에서만 사용 -> 수..

카테고리 없음 2023.10.11