postulate = hypothesize suppose claim propose
Isaac Newton postulated that gravity pulls objects toward the Earth.
Substantiate = confirm prove authenticate verify
Rober Peary was unable to substantiate that he had reached the North Pole in 1909.
malleable = flexible
When heated to high temperatures, iron and steel become malleable.
heterogeneous = varied assorted mixed
English includes words from a heterogeneous collection of other languages.
cast about = seek search hunt
Unsure how to increase the company's profits, George cast about for solutions from his colleagues.
repudiate = reject disclaim
Martin Luther King Jr. repudiated violence as a means to solve problems.
subterfuge = trick deception
The magician's act seemed real, but it was just a subterfuge.
appreciably = noticeably significantly considerably
The temperature dropped appreciably this morning.
tacit = implicit implied unspoken
The two countries made a tacit agreement to end the war, but they did not actually sign a peace treaty.
foul = pollute contaminate
During the Industrial Revolution, the smoke from factories fouled the air of many urban areas.
tenuous = weak insubstantial
Germany provided a tenuous justification for its invasion of Poland in 1939.
arcane = cryptic mysterious occult esoteric abstruse enigmatic esoteric inscrutable recondite
It was quite an arcane business.
sanguine 다혈질의 명량한 낙관적인 = blithe buoyant cheerful jocund jovial upbeat
sanguinary 유혈의 잔인한 / sanguineous 피의 낙천적인 / consanguineous 동족의 / ensanguine 피로 물들이다 / exsanguine 피가 모자르는
panacea 만병통치약
pandemonium 대혼란 / panorama 전경
The new policy is regarded as a panacea for all the problems.
esoteric 심오한 난해한
exoteric 공개적인 대중적인
mundane = banal commonplace hackneyed pedestrian prosaic quotidian trite
preclude = deter encumber forestall hamper hinder impede obstruct prevent stymie thwart
occlude 막다 차단하다 / recluse 은둔자 / seclude 격리하다
Heavy rains precluded our climbing
capricious = erratic fickle mercurial vagrant volatile whimsical
He almost died in a capricious winter storm.
iconoclast 성상 파괴론자 인습타파주의자
John Lenon was all-round iconcolast.
undermine = attenuate sap undercut weaken damage harm
disdain = contemn despise scorn contempt
indignation 분노 indignant 화난 condign 적당한 dainty 우아한 고상한
polemical = controversial disputatious quarrelsome 논쟁을 좋아하는
polemic 논쟁 / polarity 양극, 정반대
ambivalence = 상반된 감정/가치
the ambivalence of love and hat.
pet = aim for
petition 청원 / petulant 화를 잘 내는
partisan = factional factious tendentious 당파적인, 빨치산
He was a partisan who waged war in the underground.
perfunctory = cursory superficial = 형식적인, 겉치레의
a perfunctory smile
trivial = insignificant negligible nugatory paltry trifling
obviate 방지하다, 위험을 제거하다
truse thrust 밀다
intrude 참견하다 / obtrude 강요하다 / protrude 돌출하다
prehend = grasp
reprehend 비난하다
idiosyncrasy = 독특함
Most people have their own idiosyncrasy.
overlook 간과하다, 눈감아주다 vs oversee 감독하다
overlook an error.
specious 겉만 번드르르한, 허울뿐인
a specious argument
spurious = apocryphal bogus counterfeit fake feigned fictitious mendacious Sharm 가짜의 비논리적인
spurious child: 사생아 / spurious document 위조 문서
venerate = admire esteem honor respect 존경하다 숭배하다
venereal: 성욕의 성교의
the most venerated scientist
ephemeral = evanescent momentary passing temporary transient transitory
Home appliances have become increasingly ephemeral.
equivocal = ambiguous murky nebulous obscure opaque vague
obfuscate = confound confuse baffle bewilder nonplus perplex puzzle 당황하게 하다
suffuse 가득하게 하다
orthodoxy 정설 = dogma (vs heresy heterodox 이단)
pedestrian = banal commonplace hackneyed mundane prosaic platitudinous quotidian trite
pedestal = 받침, 토대 / peddle 행상하다
pugnacious = quarrelsome bellicose belligerent truculent warlike
impugn = 비난하다 공격하다 / repugnant 반감이있는 불쾌한
vitiate = 망치다 오염시키다
vituperate 야단치다 / vituperative 야단치는 욕하는
benign = beneficient benevolent benignant charitable clement compassionate merciful philanthropic
malign 비방하다 악의적인
circumscribe = confine limit restrict
prescrie 규정하다 처방하다 / proscribe 금지하다
circumscribe the power of the president
diffident = retiring shy vs confident 자신있는
fidelity 충성 정절, perfidy 배신
she is diffident and reserved
erudite = learned omniscient
futile - fruitless ineffective useless
homogeneous vs heterogeneous
Genesis 기원, genuine 진짜의 degenerate 퇴보하다 regenerate 재생하다
Salt is a homogeneous substance.
ingenuous = candid explicit forthright frank outspoken straightforward 솔직한
disingenuous 솔직하지 않은 부정직한 congenial 같은 성질의 마음 맞는
homogenize 균질화하다
She is not so ingenuous as to believe everything that he says.
inimical = adverse hostile unfavorable 적개심 있는, 해로운
amity 우정 친목
an inimical relationship between the government and the opposition.
insular 섬의, 편협한 = narrow-minded, parochial, provincial
insulate 고립시키다, insular viewpoint
judicious = politic sagacious sapient sensible, advertent careful, cautious, circumspect, deliberate, measured, prudent, wary
judicial 사법의, 재판의
lucid = clear limpid overt pellucid translucent transparent
lucent 빛을 내는 투명한, pellucid 투명한, 명백한
novel = innovative
I agree with the following statement that a University should make it mandatory for all students to own a laptop. there are two reasons why I think so. First, by doing so, students can study efficiently. This is because it takes a lot of time for students to find information through the book. so they can save a lot of time. the second reason is that they can also study effectively. this is because there are diverse information internet and they can find an image and video related to the topic. so I would say that a University should require students to own a laptop.
Feedback and Modifications:
Content and Organization: Your response addresses the question and provides two reasons to support your stance. The organization is clear, with each reason presented sequentially.
Clarity: The general ideas are clear, but there's room for improvement in terms of sentence structure and transitions between ideas.
Development and Supporting Details: The two reasons are related to study efficiency and effectiveness, but the distinction between the two reasons can be more explicit. For better clarity, it might be helpful to add a brief example to each reason.
Grammar and Vocabulary: "I agree with the following statement that a University should make it mandatory" can be simplified to "I agree that universities should make it mandatory."
Avoid starting sentences with lowercase letters, such as "there are two reasons why" and "the second reason is."
The use of "so" can be varied with other transitional words or phrases for smoother flow.
Modified Response:
I agree that universities should make it mandatory for all students to own a laptop, and here are two reasons why. First, laptops can help students study more efficiently. Instead of spending time searching through books, they can quickly access information online, saving precious time. Secondly, laptops enable effective learning. The internet offers a wealth of information, including images and videos, which can enhance understanding. Considering these benefits, I firmly believe that universities should require students to have laptops.
This version maintains the simplicity of your original answer but enhances clarity and structure.
I agree with the following statement that a University should make it mandatory for all students to own a laptop. some people would not agree with my idea because they might think that having a laptop could be distractive for students. but I believe that the advantages of this are significant enough to outweigh any disadvantages. One thing that comes to my mind is that it could be a really useful tool for students to find information. Using my experience as an example, after my school allowed for carrying a laptops, I was able to understand the topic deeply by searching related information on the internet. so I would say that a university should require students to own a laptop.
Score: 3.5 (Fair to Good)
Feedback and Modifications:
Content and Organization: Your response does a good job of addressing the question. You provide an acknowledgment of a potential counterargument and then present your reasons, which shows a structured approach to the topic.
Clarity: Your main idea is evident, and the example from personal experience adds value. Some slight improvements can be made in sentence structure and transitions.
Development and Supporting Details: Your personal experience adds depth to the argument. Still, it might be helpful to include another general reason or benefit to strengthen the claim further.
Grammar and Vocabulary:
The statement should start with a capital letter, "I agree with the following statement that a University..."
"some people would not agree with my idea because they might think that having a laptop could be distractive for students" can be slightly altered to "some people might disagree, thinking that laptops can distract students."
"one thing that comes to my mind is that it could be a really useful tool for students to find information" can be refined to "a major benefit I see is the ease with which students can access information."
"after my school allowed for carrying a laptops" should be "after my school allowed us to carry laptops."
Modified Response:
I agree that universities should make it mandatory for all students to own a laptop. While some might disagree, thinking laptops can distract students, I believe the benefits significantly outweigh the potential drawbacks. A major advantage I see is the ease of accessing information. Drawing from my experience, once my school allowed us to carry laptops, my understanding of topics deepened since I could quickly search for related information online. Given these benefits, I think universities should indeed require students to have their own laptops.
This version retains the essence of your answer while enhancing clarity and coherence.
I personally prefer to shop online. there are two reasons why I think so. First it's cheaper in general. this is because the distribution structure is more simple, which leads to cost reduction. the second reason is that it's more time saving you don't have to visit the stores in person if you just click some button, it's done. Of course, you should wait for a shipping but nowadays it's getting so faster that you can get that within one to two days like Amazon.
Score: 3.5 (Fair to Good)
Feedback and Modifications:
Content and Organization: Your response clearly addresses the preference for online shopping, providing two distinct reasons. The structure is easy to follow with your reasons presented sequentially.
Clarity: The main ideas are clear. Some sentence structures could benefit from slight rephrasing for enhanced clarity.
Development and Supporting Details: You support your reasons with explanations, which is good. The mention of Amazon as an example in the context of faster shipping is effective.
Grammar and Vocabulary:
Sentences should start with a capital letter: "I personally prefer..." and "First, it's cheaper..."
"First it's cheaper in general. this is because..." can be connected as: "First, it's generally cheaper because..."
"it's more time saving you don't have to visit the stores" can be separated for clarity: "it's more time-saving. You don't have to visit the stores..."
"if you just click some button, it's done." could be rephrased to "a few clicks and your shopping is done."
Modified Response:
I personally prefer to shop online, and there are two main reasons for this. First, it's generally cheaper because the distribution structure is simpler, leading to cost reductions. The second reason is that it's more time-saving. You don't have to visit the stores in person; with just a few clicks, your shopping is done. While there's a waiting time for shipping, it's becoming so fast that you can often receive your items within one to two days, much like with Amazon.
This version maintains the essence of your answer while streamlining some sentences for clarity.
I think it's better for me to shop online. some people would not agree with my idea because they might think that it's a little bit risky as they could not check the quality of product in person. but I believe that the advantages of shopping online are significant enough to outweigh any disadvantages. one thing that comes to my mind is that you can purchase the product online with cheaper price. Using my experience as an example, I recently purchased MacBook on price comparison online site and I found that it's about 20% cheaper than the one in Apple Store.
Score: 4 (Good)
Feedback and Modifications:
Content and Organization: Your response provides a clear stance on the preference for online shopping. It also acknowledges a counterargument and then refutes it with personal experience. This shows a good structured approach to the topic.
Clarity: Your main ideas are clear, and the structure of your response is organized. There are just a few tweaks needed in terms of sentence structure.
Development and Supporting Details: The personal experience about the MacBook purchase provides tangible evidence to support your claim, which makes your argument compelling.
Grammar and Vocabulary:
Sentences should start with a capital letter: "I think it's better..." and "some people would not agree..."
"one thing that comes to my mind is that you can purchase the product online with cheaper price" can be rephrased to "One advantage that stands out is that products often come at a cheaper price online."
"I recently purchased MacBook on price comparison online site" can be revised to "I recently purchased a MacBook on a price comparison website."
Modified Response:
I think it's better for me to shop online. Some people might not agree because they believe it's risky, feeling they can't check the product quality in person. However, I'm convinced that the benefits of online shopping far outweigh the drawbacks. One advantage that stands out is that products often come at a cheaper price online. For instance, I recently purchased a MacBook on a price comparison website and discovered it was about 20% cheaper than the one in the Apple Store.
This version refines some of the phrasing for clarity but retains the core of your well-structured answer.
according to the reading, the university has announced that they are going to match first-year students with dormitory roommate who share similar interests. the man in the conversation thinks that it's not a good idea for two reasons. the first reason is it's good to have roommate who has a different interest. For his personal experience, he has a roommate and there is nothing in common between him and his roommate from the major to personality. but they love living together. the second reason is that there are a wide range of reasons about students' moving. For example students want to move not only because of better housing, but also convenient location near campus. so he insists that the solution doesn't solve the existing problem.
Score: 3.5 (Fair to Good)
Feedback and Modifications:
Content and Organization: You have effectively summarized the reading passage and presented the man's viewpoint from the conversation. The structure is fairly clear, with the main points and reasons provided in sequence.
Clarity: The main points are identifiable. However, there's room to improve sentence structure for enhanced clarity.
Development and Supporting Details: You have provided supporting details, including the man's personal experience. While the second reason captures a separate concern, it could benefit from clearer articulation.
Grammar and Vocabulary:
"according to the reading, the university has announced" can be changed to "The reading states that the university plans." "the man in the conversation thinks that" can be revised to "The man in the conversation opposes this, stating."
"it's good to have roommate who has a different interest" can be changed to "it's beneficial to have a roommate with different interests." The phrase "there are a wide range of reasons about students' moving" can be refined to "there are various reasons students choose to move."
Modified Response:
The reading states that the university plans to pair first-year students in dormitories with roommates who have similar interests. The man in the conversation opposes this for two main reasons. First, he believes it's beneficial to have a roommate with different interests. Drawing from his own experience, he and his roommate shared nothing in common, from majors to personalities, yet they enjoyed living together. His second concern is that students have various reasons for relocating. For instance, students might move not just for better housing, but also to be in a location more convenient to the campus. Thus, he asserts that the university's solution doesn't address the core issues.
This version fine-tunes some of your phrasings for clarity while retaining the essence of your answer.