mount = grow increase multiply
The pressure on the student mounted as the exam date approached.
involved = complicated intricate tangled
The author's literary style was so involved that students found her books difficult to read
secrete = release produce excrete
Thars are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid.
secrete = conceal hide veil
Jacqueline secreted her diary under her mattress, where no one would find it.
pursue = practice conduct perform
The government continued to pursue its aggressive procedures against illegal immigration.
toil = work hard labor
With modern agricultural technology, farmers no longer have to til in the fields.
divest = deprive strip despoil
The new regulation divests tenants of the right to renovate their apartments.
pacifier = peacemaker arbitrator mediator intermediary
The Dalai Lama is known as one of the greatest pacifiers in modern history.
relish = enjoy like delight in revel in
Ronal who used to be a sailor relishes telling stories about his past journeys.
hover = drift float stay on the top
Dolphins sometimes hover in the water without swimming.
ominous = foreboding portentous threatening
Some survivors of the Titanic reported that they had an ominous feeling before the voyage.
amplitude = size extent magnitude
The amplitude of a wave is determined by the amount of energy used to create it.
liken to = compare to
A tsunami striking the shore has been likened to a wall of moving water.
patent = evident obvious apparent manifest
Public protests demonstrated the people's patent opposition to the new immigration policy.
by virtue of = because of thanks to on account of
By virtue of the US Constitution, it is illegal to imprison anyone without a trial.
preponderance = majority
The preponderance of people did not own cars in the 1930s, so they traveled by train or boat.
repercussion = effect consequence result
One of the repercussions of the Great Depression was a high unemployment rate.
elongate = stretch lengthen extend prolong
Turtles have the ability to elongate their necks to catch prey.
in tandem with = in association with in conjunction with
The corporation worked in tandem with the local government on a community project.
myriad = multitude millions
A wine's flavor is influenced by a myriad of factors, including the soil the grapes are grown in.
myriad = countless innumerable numerous
Department stores offer myriad products for customers.
despondent = unhappy discouraged depressed
The main character of the play is a despondent young man who feels uncomfortable in his hometown.
shrivel = dry up wither wilt
The leaves of the tree shriveled because of the harsh drought conditions.
dissent = oppose object express disagreement
Nearly 120 countries signed the UN's Convention on the Law of the Sea while four countries dissented.
overlie = cover overspread
The fall leaves overlay each other on the ground making a beautiful palette.
assorted = various varied diverse
The assorted cultures of New York City are signs of its mixed population.
viability = ability to exist ability to live
Certain bacteria are known for their viability in the most extreme environments.
viability = feasibility
prodigious = massive enormous
Beavers store prodigious amounts of food to survive the harsh winter.
motif = design pattern device
The quilt that Thelma made last month has a repetitive floral motif that is very pleasing to the eye.
incessantly = constantly continuously persistently
Patton had to incessantly plead with Congress for equipment for his army.
keenly = deeply intensely acutely
The housing market is keenly affected by changes in interest rates.
bound for = going to destined for
Jennifer bought a ticket for a train bound for Chicago.
penchant = inclination tendency fondness liking
Louis XIV's penchant for spending without limits left France with huge debts.
dim = faint weak obscure
etch = cut carve engrave
The Holocaust was a terrible event that will be forever etched in Jewish history.
1 B
2 C
3 A
4 A
5 B
6 A
7 D
8 A/D (X, B/D) 장단독 문제 ->장점/단점 나올 때 필기 주의!! 모르는 선택지 나오면 소거법으로 풀기
9 C
10 D
11 B
12 D
13 A
14 A
15 B (X, C) Augustus 예시 단어 놓침, 예시 목적 문제로 나올 수 있으니 문장이 계속되면 예시 키워드 캐치하기!
16 D
17 D
18 C
19 A/D
20 B
21 C
22 B (X, C) 다시 들려주는 전체 문장 (context) 모두 중요!! [someone else 키워드]
23 C
24 D
25 D
26 C
27 C
28 A
29 B (X, C) 키워드 놓침 personality, psychology 없음
30 C (X, A) 질문 제대로 이해 X, 단어 부족 for what ~~~ insufficient -> insufficient for what? 키워드 놓침 stability
31 A
32 B
33 B
34 D
stride 전진
flue 연기구멍
saturate 흡수하다 포화시키다 가득한
chimney 굴뚝
retrofit 개조하다
parallel 유사점
monochromatic: 단색의 vs polychromatic 다색의
strove = strive
contravene 반대하다
fluorescent 형광성의
invincibility 무적
imperator 장군
I'm of two minds on this: 정말 고민돼요.
choose between A and B : A와 B 중에 선택하다
atom 원자 electron 전자
kinetic 운동
incandescent 백열등
exothermic 발열
substantiate 입증하다
insinuate 암시하다