카테고리 없음


YULSIGN 2023. 9. 26. 19:17

DAY 22


thwart = frustrate

The economic crisis thwarted the government's plan to increase social welfare spending.


quarters = residence dwelling habitation abode

The institute has its own staff quarters to accommodate full-time employees.


staggering = shocking astonishing stunning astounding

A science magazine released the staggering news that nearly 7 million bats have died over the past few years.


scores = a large number host crowd multitude

Scores of songs were considered for the movie soundtrack, but only ten were chosen.


entitled to = given the right to, authorized to, qualified to

In the US, all citizens are entitled to vote upon reaching the age of 18


archaic = antiquated outdated old primitive

Historians still debate how the prehistoric builders were able to construct Stonehenge using such archaic technology.


endeavor = make an effort strive struggle attempt

Although she was exhausted, Corinne endeavored to finish painting the house before nightfall


delineate = outline trace

The Rio Grande River delineates the border between Texas and Mexico.


heed = attention notice caution

If Nancy had paid heed to the warning, she wouldn't have fallen off the platform.



erratic = irregular unpredictable uneven

Mrs Ascot was worried about her husband because his heartbeat was erratic.


found wanting = judged inadequate 부족한

Most of Sigmund Freud's theories have been found wanting by modern psychologists.


grossly = excessively

The investors were shocked to discover that the company's expected profits were grossly overestimated.


implement = tool instrument appliance

The dentist's implements were arranged neatly on a tray near the patient.


engluf = swallow

In 2004, a large tsunami engulfed many coastal areas in Southeast Asia.


truism = self-evident truth, commonplace, cliche

Too often, people who are seeking sincere advice receive thoughtless truisms from their friends and family.


heyday = high point golden age prime fluorescence

During their heyday, rollerblades were the most popular form of outdoor recreation for kids and teens.


proficient = skilled skillful expert adept

Few North Americans are proficient in more than one language.


forerunner = predecessor antecedent

Invented in Germany in the nineteenth century, the dandy horse was a forerunner of the modern bicycle.


crush = discourage deflate

The news that the proposal to build a new subway station had been rejected crushed residents of the neighborhood.



stringent = strict rigorous tight

The Spartans' way of rearing their children was very stringent.


aberrant = abnormal deviant eccentric erratic

Children with autism start to show aberrant behavior as early as 2 years old.


allay = reduce relieve soothe

Paramedics tried to allay the pain of the burn victim before the ambulance arrived.


refuge = shelter place of safety sanctuary

She tried to find refuge from oppression in a foreign country.


full sweep = whole range

The new documentary covers the full sweep of the emperor penguin's life cycle.


obliterate = delete erase efface

The thief obliterated evidence of his crime by destroying the surveillance video footage.



wrought = created formed manufactured

The Lion Bridges in Milwaukee include beautifully wrought railings made out of steel.


yardstick = measure criterion benchmark standard

Financial success is the yardstick by which many people judge others.


graduate to = progress to advance to proceed to

After serving as a colonel in the US Army, Ulysses S. Grant graduated to general in 1861


deluxe = lavish luxurious opulent rich

The deluxe suite in the hotel offered a fabulous view of the city.


sparsely = thinly widely scattered

Turkey's sparsely populated eastern regions are home to six million Kurds.


linger = remain stay

Although almost all the guests had left the party, Steven lingered to talk to the host.


groom = clean tidy

Chimpanzees often groom other members of their group as a form of bonding.


accrete = come together accumulate

If matter in space accretes enough, it can form planets.



assume = undertake take on adopt

After John F. Kennedy's assassination, Lyndon Johnson assumed the role of president.


Probe = investigate search examine explore

Detectives probed the bridge's collapse, but they did not reach a clear conclusion.


Probe = exploration inquiry

Both Britain and France launched a probe into how the criminal had slipped through their security net.


in profile = from side view

The artist preferred drawing portraits of people in profile.


rim = edge border verge margin

The falling snow collected on the rim of the fountain.


jettison = release discard throw away cast off

Pilots sometimes jettison excess fuel to make an airplane lighter for landing.


havoc = destruction ruin devastation demolition

If we don't halt the progress of climate change, it will create havoc on a global scale.


amplification = further explanation

The Talmud is a Jewish text that provides amplification of the concepts from the Hebrew Bible.



concede = admit accept as true acknowledge

Since all the evidence contradicted his idea, the scientist conceded that his theory was wrong.


mainstay = important part anchor buttress

Rice is a mainstay in the diets of many people around the world.


legible = recognizable readable

Before the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, ancient Egyptian writing was not legible to scholars.


heir = inheritor successor

The heirs to John D. Rockefeller's fortune have donated millions of dollars to charity.


yield = produce generate give


yield = cede surrender hand over

The defeated army yielded its position to the enemy.


channel = direct 

The composer channeled all of his energy into finishing his opera.


work out at = be calculated at

From 1900 to 1910, the fruit trade in the US worked out at 458 million dollars.


ostentatious = showy

Many who attend Fashion Week wear ostentatious outfits.


homogenize = remove variation within, make uniform

Although the Romans conquered many cultures, they did not fully homogenize them.


displace = supplant replace

The television had displaced the radio in American living rooms by 1960.


displace = move out of position

Some sewer lines were displaced due to the subway construction.


discharge = release emit excrete

Certain species of fish discharge poison as a way to defend themselves when threatened.