카테고리 없음


YULSIGN 2023. 9. 19. 18:59


Strew = scatter sprinkle disperse

The tsunami strewed debris over several miles of shoreline.


encapsulate = summarize sum up condense

The paper includes a concluding paragraph that encapsulates the main points.


paramount = supreme prime chief

The company's paramount concern was its declining sales.


unwieldy = difficult to manage awkward

Heavy vehicles such as trucks and tractors can be unwieldy to operate.


striking = noticeable remarkable attention-getting

There was a striking difference in the building's appearance after the renovation.


ephemeral = short-lived living for a short time temporary

A mayfly is an ephemeral insect that has a lifespan of less than 48 hours.


empirical = based on observation, experimental

The scientists studied the rats' movements in order to gain empricial evidence about their behavior.


lag = linger dawdle


exude = give off release emit

Human skin exudes sweat as a cooling mechanism.


reciprocity = interplay interaction

The reciprocity of supply and demand helps determine the price of goods.


acute = severe intense extreme

The Environmental Protection Agency has documented many cases of acute injury and death from fires.


article = object item thing

Every single article in the museum is more than a thousand years old.


scrutiny = close observation examination inspection

After much scrutiny, experts determined that the painting was authentic.


recompense = repayment compensation

Bobby offered to mow his neighbor's lawn as recompense for accidentally breaking her window with his baseball.


turmoil = unrest agitation stir

When the electricity went out across the city, it created turmoil among the residents.


majestic = magnificent grand august


subject = expose

After a few weeks, young owls leave the nest and subject themselves to danger.




eclectic = diverse various manifold

Social media sites reflect the eclectic opinions that exist in society today.


palatial = magnificent grand majestic splendid

Many tourists visit Beverly Hills to see the palatial homes of celebrities.


friction = conflict clash discord strife

Friction between France and Germany existed before the strat of World War 1


materialize = appear emerge loom

The people in the lifeboat were relieved when a ship materialized in the distance.


redundant = superfluous unnecessary wordy repetitious

Students often make the mistake of including redundant information in their essays.


voracious = insatiable greedy gluttonous

Because growing children can have voracious appetites,, they may need to eat more often than most adults.


insolent = impertinent impudent rude

The waiter's insolent attitude offended the customers in the restaurant.


shoddy = inferior poor

The car repair shop had a reputation for doing shoddy work.


whereby = through which by which

Plants engage in a process called photosynthesis whereby they produce sugars and starches.




culminate 정점에 오르다 끝나다 = terminate end finish 


allegiance = loyalty fidelity commitment dedication

Immigrants must promise their allegiance to their new country.


idiosyncrasy = peculiarity eccentricity oddity

An idiosyncrasy of modern life is that people are busier than ever despite technology.


minute = tiny very small diminutive

Bacteria are so minute that they can only be observed using a microscope.


disseminate = spread disperse distribute

The rumor about Kate's mysterious absence was disseminated by word of mouth.


antagonize = anger aggravate counteract

The author antagonized her critics by writing angry responses to reviews on her website.


yearn = feel compassion sympathize

yearn = long desire crave pine

After more than a decade of war, everyone in the two countries yearned for peace.


renounce = give up reject relinquish

Monks renounce material possessions and live a very simple life.


equivocal = ambiguous vague obscure uncertain

The president was criticized for giving equivocal responses about his immigration policy during an interview.


hairline = slight thin

The contractor noted that hairline cracks in the wall needed to be repaired before they got bigger.


formulate = develop devise forge

The marketing department is formulating a plan to attract more clients.

formulate = state specify express

The speaker formulated his ideas in clear and concise language that the audience understood easily.


take precedence over = be more important than come before



During his presentation, the speaker made an allusion to one of the scenes in Shakerspeare's Macbeth


DAY 10


belch = suddenly emit discharge erupt vent

Volcanoes can belch toxic fumes without warning.


bustling = busy lively 

During the summer, the sidewalks and shops near the beach are bustling with people. 


boon = great benefit advantage

Due to so many people purchasing gifts, the Christmas season is always a boon to retail stores.


dainty = delicate exquisite refined

At the wedding, the decorations included thousands of dainty flowers.


as a rule of thumb = in general

As a rule of thumb, people should visit the dentist for a check-up exery six month.


relay = transfer communicate transmit impart

In the 19th century, news reports were relayed by telegram.


scrupulous = careful fastidious meticulous

The police officer was praised for his scrupulous performance of duties.


scrupulous = honest moral

A scrupulous real estate agent does not charge clients excessive fees.


outermost = farthest away farthest most remote

Neptune is the outermost planet in the solar system.


DAY 11

pronounced = notable striking marked significant noticeable distinct strong

The development of agricultural pesticides led to a pronounced increase in crop yields.


chancy = risky perilous dangerous

Climbing Mt. Everest is chancy, as many people die on the mountain every year.


brew = develop loom be on the way

Meteorologists use rader and satellite imaging to determine whether a typhoon is brewing


tuned to = in agreement with

An employee who is tuned to the goals of management is more likely to be promoted.



vibrant = active vivacious energetic

Honey bees communicate with one another through vibrant dances.


vibrant = vivid bright brilliant

Although ancient Roman statues usually appear white today, many of them were originally painted in vibrant colors.


sovereign = master monarch ruler

Traditionally, the sovereign of Great Britain lives in Buckingham Palace.


urbane = cultivated sophisticated polished refined

My brother looked quite urbane in his new tuxedo.


burgeoning = rapidly expanding growing escalating

A burgeoning deer population has been interfering with traffic by wandering onto the highways.


terrestrial = earthly worldly 속세의

posterity = future generations

outlying = far from the center

The price of land is much lower in outlying areas.


reciprocal = mutual

Though the two authors had different ideas about the same subject, they had a reciprocal respeck.