카테고리 없음

TOEFL Practice with Hackers_230815

YULSIGN 2023. 8. 15. 20:48

Reading T4-1




1. D (V)

2. A (V)

3. C (V)

4. D (V)

5. C (V)

6. C (X, D) 문제 잘 보기!!! -> What method (by placing mock nests, playing ~ , observed ~) -> How, as 단어 집중

7. C (V)

8. D (V)

9  B (X, C) 삽입 문제 general 선택지 -> specific 내용 찾아야한다. This 등 대명사 연결되는 곳은 피하기! observed (관찰) = the surveillance (관찰), 단어 부족

10. A,B,D (V)






forage 먹이를 찾다.

surveilance: 감시하다, 관찰하다


새 조루 avian fowls birds

ornithologist 조류학자

adroit, feat 성취, 재주

새끼 brood gosling nestling fledgling hatchling neonatal chick 

기르다 양육하다 rear breed 

조절하다 modulate alter

유전의 pre-wired

모방한 emulated 

드러내다 manifest reveal

말 utterance (utter 말하다)

in turn 차례로, 다음 순서로

natal : 태어난 / neo : 신~

learn to get to ~이 되다.








1 (목적) C (V)

2 (제안-해결책) A/C (X, A/D) 구체 내용 노트 잘못함, 노트를 좀 단순화해야할듯 -> 핵심 정보 위주로

3 (기능) D (X, B) (앞 뒤 문맥 But 등이 붙으면 But 이하 해석이 더 중요 -> but이 들어가면 앞 문장은 ideal이라고 볼 수 없음, 그리고 C, D 선택지는 크게 보면 같은 의미이므로 둘 다 정답이 될 수 없음)

4 (문제점) A (X, C) imply 문제 -> may 등 정답 가능성 높음, 못 들었음

5 (제안-해결책) A (V)


6 (주제) A/D (V) (앞 부분 중요!!)

7 (차이점) B/C (X, A/C) , one of two ways -> 핵심 정보 노트 준비

8 (차이점) A/C/D  (X, A/C/E) -> 핵심 정보 노트 준비

9 (문제점) A (X, B) -> 단어 못들음, outrageous, weather pattern -> 전반적인 내용에 안나와있음, 최대한 오답 소거로 풀기! & general 한 선택지 찍기

10 (정의) C (V) 키워드로라도 잘 풀었음 (gases)

11 (기능) B (V)


12 주제 D (V)

13 기능 B (V)

14 차이점 B (V)

15 matching A/D (V) 키워드로 잘 풀었음!

16 차이점 C (V)

17 예시 purpose C (X, A) 단어 못 들었음 ㅜ, 오답 소거로라도 선택지 지워나가서 정답 확률 늘리기!!



정의, 예시, 특징 (장점, 단점, 독특한 점)

two types classify, be categorized, be diveded into



down the road: 미래에

layout 구성

daunting: 어려운

commitment: 투자, 투입

overlap: 겹치다

airborne: 공기로 운반되는

nucleus: 핵

pollen: 꽃가루

condense: 응결되다

specks: 작은 알갱이

solidfy: 굳어지다.

descent: 하강

quasi: 유사

it's somewhere in between: ~그 사이 어딘가이다.

aloft: 하늘 높이

lead: 납

outrageous: 터무니 없는

magnify 확대하다.

lava: 용암

spew: 뿜어나오다

molten: 용해된, 녹은

eject: 분출하다

viscosity: 점도, 점착성

baslat: 현무암

vent: 배출구

slope: 경사

steep: 가파른

in conjunction with ~와 함께

seabed: 해저

andesite dacite 안산암 

viscous 점성의 찐득찐득한

clog : 막다, 막히다

corresponding 상응하는

conical 원뿔 모양의

subduction zones: 섭입대, subduct ~빼다

tectonic: 지각


Speaking Test12





I agree with the following statement that it should be mandatory for children to attend school under the age of 16 some people would now agree with my idea because they might think that attending is going to the age of six is just a waste of time but it's really important for them to attend school until then one thing that comes to my mind when I get discussion is it can actually help them in many ways for example they can meet many peers in school and improve their communication skills and at the same time they can broaden their perspective.


Score: 3 out of 4

Your response captures the essence of the statement and provides reasons for your agreement. You also present a counterargument to your stance, which adds depth to your response. However, there are some grammatical mistakes and repetitions in your response that make it less fluid.

Suggestions for Improvement:

Clarify your points and avoid repetitions.
Proofread for grammatical errors.
Provide clear transitions between points for better cohesion.
Modified Response:

"I strongly agree that children should be mandated to attend school until the age of 16. While some argue that extending education to this age might be redundant, I believe it offers invaluable benefits. One primary advantage is the development of social skills; attending school allows children to interact with peers, thereby honing their communication abilities. Additionally, exposure to diverse subjects and opinions in school broadens their worldview, preparing them for the complexities of adult life."





I agree with the statement that it should be mandatory for children to attend school until the age of 16 some people would not agree with my idea because they might think that attending school is just a waste of time for some students but I believe that it's really important for students to attend school one thing that comes to my mind when I get this question is it can actually help students in many ways for example when they have to attend school they can have more chance to interact with other students and by doing so they can learn many things like how to see things from different perspective so I would say that it should be mandatory for children to attend school until the age of 16.



표현 많이 외워놓기

- interact with others, learn many things

- see things from different perspectives




according to the letter, the writer suggests that the university should create more parking areas for students on campus the woman in the conversation thinks that it's a good idea for two reasons the first reason she support this idea is that in terms of safety on campus it will be helpufl this is because there are many vehicles on the street and it makes drivers hard to see pedestrian on the street so by making more space  for cars it can prevent the situation the second reason she thinks it will be beneficial is that the university can make more space using outdoor facilities as a parking lot for instance the badminton court it can only be used in a good weather and student can choose indoor court instead.




Score: 3 out of 4

Your response captures the main points from the conversation, presenting the woman's perspective on the matter and giving reasons for her agreement with the letter's suggestion. However, there are some grammatical issues and phrasing inconsistencies in your response that may slightly hinder understanding.

Suggestions for Improvement:

Organize your thoughts for better clarity and coherence.
Proofread to catch grammatical errors.
Use appropriate transitions and varied sentence structures to ensure better flow.
Modified Response:

"According to the letter, the writer proposes that the university establish more parking spaces for students on campus. The woman in the conversation agrees with this proposition for a couple of key reasons. Firstly, she believes that additional parking would enhance safety on campus. This is due to the current challenge drivers face; many vehicles lining the streets obstruct their view of pedestrians. By creating more parking spaces, this risk can be reduced. Secondly, she suggests that the university could utilize certain outdoor facilities, like the badminton court, as parking areas. She rationalizes that these courts are only usable under favorable weather conditions, and students could opt for indoor courts instead."





According to the reading the student thinks that the university should create more parking areas for students the woman in the conversation thinks that it's a good idea for two reasons the first reason she supports the idea in the letter is that there are too many drivers circling around on campus they end up parking on the street but it can be more dangerous for people because it would be a difficult for drivers to see pedestrians the second reason she thinks this will help students in many ways that there are several areas that can be used for parking lots for example the badminton court can only be used in good weather but the parking lots are useful everyday for these reasons she thinks that the university should create more parking areas and she agrees with the idea in the letter.



빠른 속도로 전체 훑는 것이 매우 중요!






birds that raise their eggs in the nest of others are known as broad parasite the professor describes two examples to explain this concept first she start the topic by talking about brown head cover they don't build a nest they use the nest by song birds as an incubation their offspring grow very fast and they even push songbird's brood the second example is blackhead dog they also don't build nest and they are using water bird nest but they are not harmful to them.



Score: 3 out of 4

Your response generally captures the main points from the lecture and offers relevant details about the two types of birds discussed. However, there are grammatical errors and a bit of unclear phrasing.

Suggestions for Improvement:

Reframe sentences for clarity.
Use appropriate transitions to ensure the response flows smoothly.
Proofread to rectify grammatical mistakes.
Modified Response:

"Birds that lay their eggs in the nests of other species are referred to as brood parasites. The professor provides two examples to illustrate this behavior. Firstly, she discusses the brown-headed cowbird. Instead of constructing their own nests, brown-headed cowbirds lay their eggs in the nests of songbirds. Their offspring grow rapidly and often push out the original songbird chicks. The second example given is the black-headed duck. Like the cowbird, black-headed ducks do not build their own nests, opting instead to use those of water birds. However, unlike the cowbirds, they don't pose harm to the original inhabitants of the nests."






According to the reading brood parasites are birds that lay their eggs in the nests of others the professor describes two examples to explain how broad parasites behave first he starts the topic by talking about the brown-headed cowbirds they don't build their own nest instead they lay their eggs in the nests of songbirds some song birds incubate the eggs and feed the young this can be disadvantages for the songbirds because the cowbird hatch earlier grow faster and eat more and then the professor continues the lecture by describing the black-headed duck they don't build their own nest instead they lay their eggs in the nest of water birds but when they're young they leave the nest soon after hatching so it seems that there's no adverse effect because it's not harmful to the host family these are the examples that demonstrate how brood parasites behave.



perpetuate 영속하다

perish: 죽다



리딩 지문을 최대한 많이 읽어놔야 리스닝에 도움이 됨

이해가 안되도 그냥 최대한 자연스럽게 잘 얘기하기 목표!!


The professor describes two examples to explain 문제 (how brood parasites behave)

these are the examples that demonstrate 문제 (how brood parasites behave)




In the lecture, the professor describes two ways that animals use protective resemblance the professor gives two examples to explain this first he starts the topic by talking about peacock flounder they alter their color to blend with environment and they use a skin cell to make pattern similar to ocean floor the second example is a leaf-tail gecko they live in tree and they pose like a leaf they extend their tail to look like tree leaves and their predators ignore them when they approach to.




Score: 3.5 out of 4

You managed to capture the main points of the lecture about how animals utilize protective resemblance for survival. The examples you provided were also clearly stated. However, there are a few minor errors in phrasing and sentence construction.

Suggestions for Improvement:

Improve sentence fluency and structure.
Ensure clarity by employing appropriate transitions and connectors.
Correct minor grammatical mistakes.
Modified Response:

"In the lecture, the professor discusses protective resemblance, a technique animals use to camouflage themselves from predators. He provides two illustrative examples. First, he mentions the peacock flounder, a fish that can change its color to match its surroundings. Specifically, it adjusts its skin cells to create patterns that resemble the ocean floor. The second example given is the leaf-tail gecko. This creature resides in trees and has the unique ability to mimic the appearance of a leaf. By extending its tail and assuming a leaf-like posture, it looks just like the tree leaves. This camouflage is so effective that predators often overlook the gecko even when they are nearby."





In this lecture the professor describes two ways that animals use protective resemblance first he starts the topic by talking about the fact that some animals can temporarily change their appearance to protect themselves and survive from their predators he gives an example of peacock flounder to make his point they can perfectly blend into the background they can transform from visible to invisible in seconds and then the professor continue the lecture by describing that some animals have permanent patterns the example the professor explain is about leave tail gecko they have a tail that looks like a leaf and the body looks like a small twig their predators will think that they are just a part of tree and ignore them these are the example that demonstrates two ways that animal use protective resemblance.



a certain kind of fish / animal

이해가 안되는 문장은 과감하게 넘기기!



twig: (나무)가지

vein 정맥