According to the lecture the professor describe the importance of designing package well and he gives two examples to explain this. First he states that the package design should be practical and convenient to use for consumers he gives one example of condiment which is composed of plastic and more convenient to use than glass bottle and also he highlight that package should be attractive he gives another example of cookie box with method thin which is more aesthetic and sophisticated than the one with cardboard.
Delivery: 3.5/4 - You're mostly clear and easy to understand, with a slight speed in certain areas that could potentially hinder understanding.
Language Use: 3/4 - You're showing good usage of grammar and vocabulary, but there are minor errors, particularly with word choice and some awkward phrasing.
Topic Development: 4/4 - Your points are clearly presented, with relevant examples supporting your ideas. You successfully cover all necessary elements of the lecture.
Total score: 10.5/12
Some suggestions for improving your language use:
In the phrase "describe the importance of designing package well", it would be more accurate to say "describes the importance of effective package design".
You use the word "composed" to describe the material of the condiment bottle, but a more appropriate term would be "made of".
The phrase "method thin" seems to be a typo or misunderstanding. If you're referring to the material of the cookie box, you might want to say "metal tin" instead.
Be careful with your prepositions. You said "with method thin", but it would be better to say "made from a metal tin".
Here's how you might revise this:
"According to the lecture, the professor describes the importance of effective package design and provides two examples to illustrate his points. Firstly, he asserts that package design should be practical and convenient for consumers. For instance, he mentions a condiment container made of plastic, which is more convenient to use than a glass bottle. Furthermore, he emphasizes that packaging should be aesthetically pleasing. He offers the example of a cookie box made from a metal tin, which presents a more sophisticated and appealing look than a cardboard box."