"Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson is a comprehensive biography of the iconic tech mogul and co-founder of Apple Inc. Born to an unwed graduate student and later adopted, Jobs faced various adversities throughout his childhood, fostering a keen interest in technology and design. Isaacson chronicles Jobs' life as he dropped out of college, embarked on a spiritual journey in Iendia, and began experimenting with hallucinogenic drugs. The biography delves into the formation of Apple in the 1970s, the development of the Macintosh, and Jobs' subsequent dismissal from the company he founded. It then covers Jobs' time at NeXT and Pixar, leading to his return to Apple. Isaacson offers an insider's look into the creation of revolutionary products like the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, reshaping industries. The biography doesn't shy away from presenting Jobs' harsh and demanding leadership style, his obsession with design and simplicity, or his neglect of his health leading to his untimely demise due to pancreatic cancer. The book paints a vivid picture of a complex man whose relentless drive and vision revolutionized multiple industries, forever changing the way we interact with technology.